Motivation? Find yours!

 I'll never tell you that it is all easy peasy! It is not. Motivation is key and you may have to dig deep and find that. Is it how others perceive you? How you perceive yourself? You want to look better for your partner? You're looking for a partner? Or , perhaps the most common reason, you're developing or have health issues? That was mine. I was eating antacid like they were candy! Borderline high blood pressure and the need to be put on medication soon, was also a big factor. But, most of all, I was in constant pain with my hip. I called it my "flamingo" stand. I would go shopping and have to stand with my foot on my other knee to handle my hip pain if I stopped for a few minutes. It was becoming unbearable and I feared needing surgery. 

 I've struggled with weight all my life. Constantly struggling with sticking to anything that was a long term remedy. We'll talk about that, I sure, as we move along in this blog. My sister, seeing me struggle with my hip while shopping all the time, bought me a Fitbit one Christmas a few years ago. I would have never bought one for myself, and she knew that. I began wearing it everyday, not for my health mostly, but because I wanted to be grateful for the wonderful gift and never have to say I didn't use it! Really! It began to be fun though. Seeing what you could do in a day. My hip was fine walking, I just couldn't stand still on it. So, I walked more because of it! But the real "awaking" came (and don't laugh!!) was my first episode of "My 600 pound life" with Dr. Now. I ABSOLUTELY woke up to the fact of just how quickly spiraling out of control could happen. That was it! Fitbit and Dr. Now! Let the fun begin...

Through my journey I've learned so much. I am thankful for zero hip pain now, never touch an antacid and my blood pressure runs around 100/70 nearly every day. I'm grateful for my journey, though it's not over and really never will be. This is a life long commitment and not a "diet". Life change, behavior change, consumption change, attitude change whatever change you can think of. But, it is so, so worth it!

Much love until next time...


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