Where does your story begin?

Where does your story begin? We all have a background story. I think it's important to reach back, as I had to, to figure out where your weight challenges began. As I began to think about childhood memories and things that my parents shared with me about growing up, I realized that food played a big role. Or the lack of food, in all reality. I have a wonderful, loving family so no "severe trauma" that begins a lot of food, or other addiction beginnings.

Growing up, we were far from "wealthy", some may call it "poor". I never called it that. If you have love, you have everything and make do. Mom would tell us about having to feed her girls "ketchup bread", and it's just as it sounds. Ketchup on bread. My baby book tells the reality of my daddy having to "borrow" (steal) a case of special baby formula from the drug store to feed me because of severe allergies. He simply couldn't afford to buy it, and feared I would starve to death. It also tells how he returned as soon as he could, confessed what he had done and paid for it. He was such an incredible man and loving father! 


 So, perhaps that's where my food problems began? Lack? Fear of not having food?  Once food became more readily available, I sought it out? Couldn't get enough? Afraid it would be gone soon? There's a good chance of that being correct. Reach inside yourself and come to the reality of your story. Maybe it's a lifelong struggle or something new? You have to face that, to move forward and learn. Stay strong and start your fight. Much love and talk soon! 






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