
Is there a quick fix?

If you're a little impatient like I am, you may wonder if there is a way to lose the weight you want quickly. I'd say yes, probably. Safely? I don't think so! I went on a "protein shake only" diet years ago, with doctor's supervision. For 3 months I only consumed shakes for all my meals! NO chewing! I lost 50 pounds during that time frame, and ended up in intensive care at the hospital. I couldn't even chew when they made me eat at the hospital, and that was cottage cheese! Never again will I look for a "quick fix". I almost killed myself. And, put a McDonald's French fry in your mouth after not eating for 3 months. It's the worst thing you will ever taste. I felt like I put Crisco in my mouth. Horrible!  The first thing I learned was that I wasn't on a "diet". I was starting a lifestyle change. I graduated high school at around 225 pounds, and my max weight rose to 248 before I took control. That was the number. I refused t...

Motivation? Find yours!

  I'll never tell you that it is all easy peasy! It is not. Motivation is key and you may have to dig deep and find that. Is it how others perceive you? How you perceive yourself? You want to look better for your partner? You're looking for a partner? Or , perhaps the most common reason, you're developing or have health issues? That was mine. I was eating antacid like they were candy! Borderline high blood pressure and the need to be put on medication soon, was also a big factor. But, most of all, I was in constant pain with my hip. I called it my "flamingo" stand. I would go shopping and have to stand with my foot on my other knee to handle my hip pain if I stopped for a few minutes. It was becoming unbearable and I feared needing surgery.   I've struggled with weight all my life. Constantly struggling with sticking to anything that was a long term remedy. We'll talk about that, I sure, as we move along in this blog. My sister, seeing me struggle with...

Where does your story begin?

Where does your story begin? We all have a background story. I think it's important to reach back, as I had to, to figure out where your weight challenges began. As I began to think about childhood memories and things that my parents shared with me about growing up, I realized that food played a big role. Or the lack of food, in all reality. I have a wonderful, loving family so no "severe trauma" that begins a lot of food, or other addiction beginnings. Growing up, we were far from "wealthy", some may call it "poor". I never called it that. If you have love, you have everything and make do.  Mom would tell us about having to feed   her girls "ketchup  bread", and it's just as it sounds. Ketchup on bread. My baby book tells the reality of my daddy having to "borrow" (steal) a case of special baby formula from the drug store to feed me because of severe allergies. He simply couldn't afford to buy it, and feared I would starve ...

What may you find?

 "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime, you just might get what you need." Of course, that was made famous by Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones! I was born in the 60's and was a teen in the 70's. I listened to a lot of "The Stones". I was always a "lyrics" person and sometimes things just stick with you. This lyric came to mind, and can be a very positive mantra in anyone's new journey. Stay with me... We're going places!