Is there a quick fix?

If you're a little impatient like I am, you may wonder if there is a way to lose the weight you want quickly. I'd say yes, probably. Safely? I don't think so! I went on a "protein shake only" diet years ago, with doctor's supervision. For 3 months I only consumed shakes for all my meals! NO chewing! I lost 50 pounds during that time frame, and ended up in intensive care at the hospital. I couldn't even chew when they made me eat at the hospital, and that was cottage cheese! Never again will I look for a "quick fix". I almost killed myself. And, put a McDonald's French fry in your mouth after not eating for 3 months. It's the worst thing you will ever taste. I felt like I put Crisco in my mouth. Horrible! 

The first thing I learned was that I wasn't on a "diet". I was starting a lifestyle change. I graduated high school at around 225 pounds, and my max weight rose to 248 before I took control. That was the number. I refused to hit 250. Whatever number yours is, you'll know it! The first thing I learned to recognize was portion control. Do you read the side of your cereal box? Did you see the numbers were for 3/4 a cup, or perhaps a cup? Have you ever measured that out? It's not nearly what you think! Most of us eat 3 times the serving size, so multiply all those numbers on the side of the box by 3. It'll scare you! You see food companies don't want you to pay attention to that! But it's so important. I've become accustomed to measuring things. It's become part of my routine. Sounds difficult, but like anything you do repeatedly it will soon become habit. And a great habit at that!

Start small by being in tune with what your habits are. Maybe measure a thing or two. Buy a small, cheap scale and really see what an ounce is. It will be very eye opening and it's a helpful tool in raising your awareness of what you actually consume. A few small changes, little steps at a time begins your journey. Whether your goal is to loose 20 pounds or 100, it's all important. Have faith in your ability to understand and control what you eat. I'm here to help and encourage you! 

Much love always!💓💓


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